610 W. Lake Mead Pkwy. - Bldg 2 - South 95 Logistics

Address 610 W. Lake Mead Pkwy. - Bldg 2 - South 95 Logistics
City Henderson
NV State Resources/Incentives

Type Industrial
Additional Land
Sq. Ft. Available 56,816
Loading Docks 16
Ceiling Height 0
Number of Floors
On Site Parking
Nearest Interstate
Miles to Interstate
Rail No
Nearest Airport
Miles to Airport
Natural Gas
Municipal Water
Municipal Sewer
Electric Available Yes
Sale or Lease Lease

Contact Name Melissa Schoenbachler
Contact Title Business Development Coordinator
For More Info NV Energy
Web Address www.nvenergy.com
Contact e-mail MSchoenbachler@nvenergy.com
Print/Email page

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±56,816 SF total, rear loading, ±3,150 SF office, 30' clear height, 16 dock doors, 2 grade level doors, 135' truck court, 7" reinforced concrete slab, ESFR fire sprinkler system, 119 auto parking stalls, and 277/480 V, 3-phase power.