3430 Gypsum Road

Address 3430 Gypsum Road
City Reno
NV State Resources/Incentives

Type Commercial
Additional Land
Acres Available 0.7
Nearest Interstate
Miles to Interstate
Rail No
Nearest Airport
Miles to Airport
Natural Gas
Municipal Water
Municipal Sewer
Electric Available
Sale or Lease Sale

Contact Name Melissa Schoenbachler
Contact Title Business Development Coordinator
For More Info NV Energy
Web Address www.nvenergy.com
Contact e-mail MSchoenbachler@nvenergy.com
Print/Email page

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Dickson Commercial Group is pleased to present 3430 Gypsum Road for Sale. This 0.7 acre parcel is in close proximity to theUniversity and zoned for MF 30. Please see the flyer for more information.